This is Africa at night
620 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa live without electricity.
Without access to energy, there is no access to clean water, good education, or health care.
This Means
Over 60% of schools in Sub-Saharan Africa lack electricity
Leading students to use candles and kerosene lamps.
65% of medical centers in Sub-Saharan Africa lack electricity.
Nurses treat patients in the dark, and there is no refrigeration for vaccines and medicines.
Over 400 million people lack clean water
Due to the absence of energy for water pumps.
Yet, there is plenty of sun.
With Israeli solar energy technology, we are solving it and fast. We are combating the lack of clean water, education, hunger, and diseases.
With our solar pumps we are using solar energy to pump water that is trapped below the ground in the aquifers in regions where there is drought and hunger. Our Solar Water Pumping Systems provide over 20,000 liters of clean water per day per village. Throughout the village, there is enough water for drinking and for the drip irrigation systems that we bring from Israel, allowing families to grow more food with less water.
In schools and orphanages, we install solar panels to allow children to study under the light of solar energy.
After installation, we have seen graduation rates triple in primary and secondary schools.
In medical clinics, we install solar panels to replace kerosene lamps with energy-saving light bulbs in each room, providing healthcare workers and patients with the proper medical care that they deserve. The energy from the solar panels allows for refrigeration to properly store vaccines and medicines for the first time.
After solar installation, women seeking maternal health care has increased by over 400%.
What Makes Us Different
Not only do we hire and train locals to construct and maintain the solar and water systems, but thanks to our Israeli innovation, our donors and our team are able to track and monitor all of our solar systems remotely. This technology guarantees our donors that our systems will be working for many years to come.