751,331 People impacted
202 Projects Completed

Chang’Ombe Village

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People impacted



Kirsh Foundation, Grey Nierenberg


Live Monitoring

Due to a generous donation from Kirsh Foundation and Grey Nierenberg, a solar water pump was inaugurated in Chang’Ombe Village village on Feb 16, 2024. This remarkable system channels 1.226 liters of water per second through 2.846 kilometers of pipes, reaching 7 taps and benefiting 3007 residents. The ripple effects have been profound: educational opportunities have grown, economic momentum has been built, and the health of the villagers has seen significant improvements. The community stands revitalized and poised for continued growth.

Misrey Village

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Roger & Sharon Eschenroeder, Tom Snitzer, Water4Mercy


Live Monitoring

On April 25, 2024, Misrey Village celebrated the inauguration of a solar water pump, made possible by the generous donation from Roger & Sharon Eschenroeder, Tom Snitzer, and Water4Mercy. This innovative system delivers 2.6 liters of water per second through 4.183 kilometers of pipes, reaching 7 taps and benefiting 3,380 residents. The impact has been profound, boosting educational opportunities, driving economic momentum, and significantly improving the health of the villagers. The community now stands revitalized and poised for continued growth. Before this transformation, Misrey Village lived a life without clean water. Even the local school had no access to water, forcing students to travel 3 kilometers to the same distant dam to find water. Women and children would walk daily to fetch water from an open source that often ran dry. When this source dried up, they had to travel to another village 6 kilometers away, where water was available in an open riverbed. In severe droughts, they journeyed even further, 11 kilometers to the nearest tap, using bicycles and donkeys. With the installation of the solar water pump, clean water is now readily accessible in Misrey Village. Children can attend school regularly, women have more time for productive activities, and the overall health of the community has dramatically improved. This access to clean water has broken the cycle of hardship, empowering the village to thrive and grow, full of hope and new opportunities for a brighter future.

Alagwa Village

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People impacted



Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

On February 29, 2024, Alagwa Village witnessed a significant transformation with the inauguration of a solar water pump, thanks to a generous donation from the Kirsh Foundation. This advanced system delivers 5 liters of water per second through 2.407 kilometers of pipes, reaching 7 taps and benefiting 2,821 residents. The impact of this project has been profound, enhancing educational opportunities, driving economic growth, and significantly improving the health of the villagers. The community now stands revitalized and poised for continued growth. Previously, the residents of Alagwa Village faced severe challenges in accessing water. Women and children had to walk over 2 kilometers to reach the local water source, which was perilously deep and had slippery walls, making it dangerous for children. This daily struggle often led to children missing school due to illness and exhaustion. With the installation of the solar water pump, clean water is now easily accessible, transforming the daily lives of the villagers. Children can attend school regularly, women have more time for productive activities, and the overall health of the community has improved dramatically. This access to clean water has broken the cycle of hardship, empowering the village to thrive and grow, full of hope and new opportunities for a brighter future.

Mbili Village

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People impacted



Madelyn Bucksbaum, Aela Morgan


Live Monitoring

On December 21, 2023, Mbili Village experienced a life-changing transformation with the inauguration of a solar water pump, made possible by the generous donation from Madelyn Bucksbaum and Aela Morgan. This remarkable system delivers 1 liter of water per second through 3.928 kilometers of pipes, reaching 8 taps and benefiting 3,031 residents. The impact has been profound, enhancing educational opportunities, driving economic growth, and significantly improving the health of the villagers. The community now stands revitalized and poised for continued growth. Before the installation of the solar water pump, the residents of Mbili Village faced immense challenges in accessing clean water. The daily struggle to fetch water consumed valuable time and energy, hindering the villagers’ ability to focus on education and economic activities. The lack of clean water also led to numerous health issues, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and disease. With the new solar water pump, clean water is now easily accessible to everyone in the village. Children can attend school regularly without the burden of water collection, women have more time for productive work, and the overall health of the community has dramatically improved. This access to clean water has broken the cycle of hardship, empowering the village to thrive and grow, full of hope and new opportunities for a brighter future.

Makafa Village

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People impacted



Stacy Haase, David Greenstein


Live Monitoring

Due to a generous donation from David & Stacy Greenstein, a solar water pump was inaugurated in Makafa Village village on December 14, 2023. This remarkable system channels 3.14 liters of water per second through 2.934 kilometers of pipes, reaching 8 taps and benefiting 3,846 residents. The ripple effects have been profound: educational opportunities have grown, economic momentum has been built, and the health of the villagers has seen significant improvements. The community stands revitalized and poised for continued growth.

Mwisanga Village

Project Type




People impacted



Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

On November 16, 2023, Mwisanga Village celebrated a new beginning with the inauguration of a solar water pump, thanks to the generous donation from the Kirsh Foundation. This remarkable system delivers 2.92 liters of water per second through 4.32 kilometers of pipes, reaching 12 taps and benefiting 4,050 residents. Before the solar water pump’s installation, the residents of Mwisanga Village faced severe challenges in accessing clean water. The daily struggle to fetch water consumed valuable time and energy, preventing the villagers from focusing on education and economic activities. The lack of clean water also led to numerous health issues, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and disease. With the new solar water pump, clean water is now readily accessible to everyone in the village. Children can attend school regularly without the burden of water collection, women have more time for productive work, and the community’s overall health has dramatically improved. The impact has been profound; the community now stands revitalized and poised for continued growth.

Choka Village

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People impacted



Stacy Haase, David Greenstein


Live Monitoring

Choka Village, home to 3,000 people in remote Kondoa, Tanzania, lacked clean water access. Women and girls walked 2 kilometers daily to a contaminated riverbed, causing waterborne illnesses. Thanks to David & Stacy Greenstein’s support on July 29, 2023, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system. This brought 1.53 liters daily to the community through 16 taps, 2907 kilometers of piping, and 10 solar panels. Now, children return to school, women grow food-secure gardens, and families practice better hygiene. The community thrives with increased opportunities.

Miganga B Village

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People impacted



Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

Miganga B Village, home to 6,297 people, is remotely located in the Dodoma region of Tanzania. The entire community was living without access to safe and clean drinking water. Mothers and children spend their days walking far distances, searching for and collecting water from a water source that is extremely contaminated. In March 2022 with the help of our generous supporter the Kirsh Foundation, Innovation: Africa was able to fulfil its mission and provided clean water to Miganga B Village. Harnessing the energy from the sun, a solar water pumping system was installed. Innovation: Africa drilled 120 meters into the ground to reach water. A water tower was built, housing a 10,000-liter water tank which connects taps to distribute water throughout the village. Access to clean water transforms a community, as Miganga B Village is now experiencing improved sanitation and hygiene, waterborne diseases have been eliminated, handwashing has become a common practice, children have been able to return to school, and local economic endeavors have been initiated.

Chitabuli Village

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People impacted



Kahn Foundation


Live Monitoring

Chitabuli Village, home to 2,104 people and remotely located in Chamwino, Tanzania. The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 1.5km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated open local wells. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming the water from the existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses including typhoid. With the generous support from the Kahn Foundation, on August 22, 2022, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Chitabuli Village, significantly improving the lives of Chitabuli Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing and enjoying increased opportunity.

Mugu Village

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People impacted





Live Monitoring

Mugu Village is home to 2,109 people and is remotely located in Chamwino, Tanzania. The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 1km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated open local well. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming the water from the existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses including typhoid. With generous support from Water4Mercy, on December 31, 2022, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Mugu Village, significantly improving the lives of Mugu Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security, and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation, and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunity.

Project Name - Country


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