974,331 People impacted
266 Projects Completed

Lokitela Lokwa Village

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U.S. Board of Directors


Live Monitoring

In December 14th, 2023, thanks to a donation from the U.S. Board of Directors, Lokitela Lokwa Village celebrated the installation of a solar water pump. It is celebrated as innovation:Africa’s 1,000th village! Every day, this system delivers liters of water to 36 taps via 7,758 kilometers of piping, enriching the lives of 3,016 residents. This advancement has not only elevated education and spurred economic progress but has also had a profound positive effect on the health of the villagers. The community is blossoming and on an upward trajectory.

Pulaka Central Village

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Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

In December 2023, a solar water pump was installed in Pulaka Central Village thanks to a generous donation from Kirsh Foundation. Pulaka Central Village was the first hybrid tower to be built in Uganda, now serving 6600 people by pumping liters of water daily to 20 taps over 4115 kilometers of piping throughout the village. This has transformed the village, enhancing education, economic growth, and significantly improving the villagers’ health. The community is now thriving and growing.

Nakibwe Village

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Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

On December 10, 2023, Nakibwe Village celebrated a significant advancement with the extension of the Kachera Village water project, made possible by a generous donation from the Kirsh Foundation. This expanded system now provides clean water to 3,720 residents, delivering 1.86 liters of water per second to 12 taps through 2,932 kilometers of piping. The introduction of this reliable water source has transformed life in Nakibwe Village. The impact has been profound: educational opportunities have increased as children can consistently attend school without the burden of collecting water. Economic progress has been spurred, with more time available for productive activities. The health of the villagers has significantly improved, reducing the incidence of waterborne diseases. With access to clean water, Nakibwe Village is blossoming and on an upward trajectory, embracing a brighter, healthier, and more prosperous future for all its residents.

Nakisenye Village

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Tamira Chapman


Live Monitoring

Nakisenya Village, home to 2,000 people in Kibuku, Uganda, lacked clean water access. Women walked 1 km daily to collect water from contaminated sources, causing waterborne illnesses. With Tamira Chapman’s generous support, on May 18, 2023, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system. The community now thrives, with children back in school, women growing gardens for food security, and families practicing improved sanitation. Nakisenya Village is developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunities.

Kisuyi Village

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Michael & Barbara Kaplan


Live Monitoring

Kisuyi Village, home to 4,167 people and located remotely in Buyende, Uganda, faced a lack of access to clean water. Women and young girls walked multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated source, enduring challenges during the dry season when the water source ran dry. Consuming water from existing sources led to waterborne illnesses. On August 14, 2023, a significant transformation occurred in the lives of the 4,167 villagers. Thanks to the generous donation of Michael & Barbara Kaplan, a solar water pumping system was installed, pumping an average of 35,040 liters daily through 8 taps via 7,641 meters of piping across the village. This installation has not only ensured better educational opportunities for children but has also stimulated economic growth. The health and productivity of the villagers have notably improved since then, putting the community on a path of continued growth and prosperity.

Buwanga A & B Village

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Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

Buwanga A & B Village, with a population of 4,772, is remotely located in Busia, Uganda. The entire community lived without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked up to 0.5 km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated spring well. The water source dried up in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming water from existing sources led to waterborne illnesses, including typhoid. With generous support from the Kirsh Foundation, on July 18, 2023, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Buwanga A & B Village, significantly improving the lives of its population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are cultivating gardens, ensuring food security, and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, enhancing general sanitation, and, as a result, becoming healthier. We now witness a community developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunities.

Kubo West Village

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Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

Kubo West Village is home to 1,050 people and remotely located in Busia, Uganda. The entire community was living without access to clean water. Women and young girls walked 0.5km multiple times a day to collect water from a contaminated hand pump and spring well. The water source runs dry in the dry season, forcing the community to wait for hours or search for other water sources. Consuming the water from the existing water sources causes waterborne illnesses including typhoid. With the generous support from the Kirsh Foundation, in July 2023, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Kubo West Village, significantly improving the lives of Kubo West Village’s population. Children have returned to school to receive an education. Women are growing gardens, providing food security, and cooking safely. Families are washing their hands, improving general sanitation, and thus becoming healthier. We now see a community developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunity.

Nabore Village

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People impacted



Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

Due to a generous donation from Kirsh Foundation, a solar water pump was inaugurated in Nabore Village village on Dec 18, 2023. This remarkable system channels 49,368 liters of water daily through 2602 kilometers of pipes, reaching 14 taps and benefiting 3014 residents. The ripple effects have been profound: educational opportunities have grown, economic momentum has been built, and the health of the villagers has seen significant improvements. The community stands revitalized and poised for continued growth.

Lwanikha Mapeddo Village

Project Type




People impacted



The Ted Arison Family Foundation


Live Monitoring

Lwanikha Mapeddo Village, with its 4,215 residents in Busia, Uganda, lacked access to clean water. Women and girls had to trek 5 km daily to fetch water from a contaminated source, leading to waterborne illnesses. Thanks to The Ted Arison Family Foundation’s support, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system on June 9, 2023. This has brought significant positive changes, with children back in school, women growing gardens for food security, and families practicing better hygiene. The community is thriving, healthier, and embracing new opportunities.

Nabunyere Village

Project Type




People impacted



Kirsh Foundation


Live Monitoring

Home to 3,000 people and situated in the remote region of Kibuku, Uganda, Nabunyere Village faced a critical lack of access to clean water. The community, especially women and girls, had to walk 1 km multiple times a day to a contaminated water source. During the dry season, they had to wait for hours or find other water sources. This led to waterborne illnesses like typhoid and diarrhea. Thanks to the Kirsh Foundation’s generous support, on May 16, 2023, Innovation: Africa installed a solar water pumping system in Nabunyere Village, significantly improving lives. Children are back in school, women are growing gardens for food security, and families are practicing better hygiene. The community is developing, growing, and enjoying increased opportunities.

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